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Marriage Proposal


Review of Monday’s Child

I can’t resist sharing this review of my novel Monday’s Child.

*****Regency Addicts Rejoice

ByJuliet Waldronon January 18, 2017

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

Everything for the Regency addict here, with a heroine of great beauty but small fortune, all the strategies required for keeping one’s place in the “ton,” and plenty of interfering relatives. Taking it a little further afield than Jane Austen did, this story is set in 1815 Brussels where all the eligible young men are soldiers in Wellington’s army, awaiting an attack by Napoleon. Despite the wartime tension, there’s still plenty of time for balls, visiting, and morning gallops. The author knows her stuff–from clothes, to the many strictures of proper behaviour, which seem to us today as limiting as the ladies’ underwear. Not only the detail but dialogue too shows a lively understanding of the period; I didn’t see a single teacup laid out of place. While this book is a Regency delight, it’s no fantasy confection. Class differences and gender relationships are portrayed realistically, sometimes jarringly so, with no candy-coating. I was particularly pleased by the marital choice made by Monday’s Child–aptly named “Helen.” It left me with no doubt about her HEA.

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Annabelle Refuses A Proposal

In the past, when the majority of upper-class women were completely dependent on others for their maintenance, it took great courage to disobey. Annabelle, the eighteen-year- old heroine in False Pretences, is too spirited to agree to her unknown guardian’s plan for her to marry Monsieur le Baron de Beauchamp. The following extract is the reaction to the instruction given to Annabelle by her headmistress, Miss Chalfont.


“It is unreasonable to order me to marry the man without allowing me time to become acquainted with him.”

“Do not refer to your bridegroom as ‘the man’. I have told you his name is de Beauchamp.”

Rebellion flamed in Annabelle’s stomach. “What do you know of my…er…bridegroom-to-be, ma’am?”

Miss Chalfont looked down at the letter. “He is described as a handsome gentleman of mature years.”

“One would think the description is of a piece of mature cheese or a bottle of vintage wine.”

Miss Chalfont frowned. “Do not be impertinent, Annabelle, you are not too old to be punished.”

“I beg your pardon, ma’am, but please tell me how mature he is,” Annabelle said, her eyes wide open and her entire body taut with apprehension.

“Monsieur le Baron is some forty-years-old.”

“How mature?” Annabelle persisted with her usual bluntness.

“He is forty-two-years-old.”

Annabelle stood, bent forward, and drummed her fingers on the edge of the desk. “Please be kind enough to inform my guardian that I will not play Guinevere to an aging Arthur. I would prefer to build my nest with a young Lancelot.”

Miss Chalfont’s shoulders heaved as though she was trying not to laugh. “Regardless of your preference, you must marry according to your guardian’s wish.”

…/Annabelle’s anger boiled and she felt sick in the stomach. Now that she was old enough to leave the seminary, it seemed that unless she refused to co-operate, she really would be disposed of without the slightest consideration for her personal wishes. Simultaneously afraid to obey her guardian and furious because not even Miss Chalfont seemed to care about her dilemma, Annabelle straightened up. She looked around the cosy parlour, with its thick oriental rugs, pretty figurines on the mantelpiece, and a number of gilt-framed pictures on the wall, one of which she had painted. “I will consider the marriage.” Annabelle looked down again, in case rebellion revealed itself on her face. However, she had not lied. She would consider the marriage proposal, but not in the manner Miss Chalfont expected, for she would find a way to reject the elderly baron.

Miss Chalfont stood, walked round her desk, and patted Annabelle’s shoulder before resting her hand on it. “My dear child, there is little for you to consider. I dread to think of the consequences if you disobey your guardian. You could be cast penniless from here with only the clothes on your back. After all, your guardian does have complete power over you.”


False Pretences is on sale until the 25th July as an e-publication at for £0.99p. and for $1.31